How to Install Umbraco Locally
There's a number of ways to install Umbraco on a local computer, but the fastest and easiest way is to use Microsoft's free Webmatrix product as follows.
Step 1 - Download Microsoft Webmatrix
Go to the download page at and select the 'free download' button (circled in red). When prompted, choose to save the installation file to your local computer's desktop.
Step 2 - Install Microsoft Webmatrix
Locate the installer on your desktop and start the installation.
A screen will be shown like below. Ignore the 'options' tab (circled in red) as these are not needed for this installation process
Select 'Install' (circled in green).
A further screen will be displayed like below, read this and ensure that you are happy to continue (leave the preset values as they are)
Select the 'I accept' button (circled in green)
When the installation is finished (this may take a few minutes) you'll be shown the following screen.
Step 3 - Install Umbraco
You're now going to be asked what products you want to install. When you're shown the screen below carry out the following in order
- Select the 'Applications' tab (circled in red)
- Scroll down until you find the 'Umbraco' option
- Select the Umbraco option 'Add' button (circled in green)
- Check that there is now one item to be installed (circled in cyan)
- You can ignore the 'options' (circled in yellow), they are not needed for this installation
- Select the 'Install' button (circled in blue)
You'll be given a choice of database type to select. Select SQL Server CE (circled in red) and then continue
For Umbraco to be installed a number of other components are required. Review the list and if you're happy to go ahead, select 'I accept' (circled in green)
If all goes well, a screen similar to the one below will let you know that Umbraco was installed successfully.
Step 4 - Configure Umbraco
With the finish button selected, webmatrix will automatically start.
To configure your website, select the site's URL (circled in green).
In the next step you'll learn how to configure Umbraco: How to configure Umbraco